Dewa Juniarta
Starting at $160 USD
Hello, I'm Dewa Juniarta, a Balinese photographer based in Denpasar. My passion for photography began in high school, and with 9 years of experience in Bali's wedding photography industry, I've captured beautiful memories for countless couples from diverse backgrounds. I've dedicated my career to creating lasting memories.
$350 USD — 4 hours, 100 edited photos & all original photos
$530 USD — 6 hours, 150 edited photos & all original photos
$670 USD — 8 hours, 200 edited photos & all original photos
$160 USD — 3 hours, 1 location, 40 edited photos & all original photos
$300 USD — 4 hours, 2 locations, 60 edited photos & all original photos
Does not include possible location fees
Does not include transportation
There may be transportation fees depending on location