Komang Sucipta
Photo & Video
Starting at $100 USD
Hi, my name is Komang Sucipta (Mang Cipta). I am your photographer and videographer in Bali with more than five years of experience. I have photographed many local and international clients during their activities in Bali. I will be happy to help you arrange a photoshoot according to your needs.
$200 USD — 6 hours, 1 photographer, 50 edited photos and all original photos
$150 USD — 2 hours, 1 photographer, 30 edited photos and all original photos
$100 USD — 2 hours, 1 photographer, 30 edited photos and all original photos
$200 USD — 4 hours, 1 videographer, and 3 minutes of highlight video
Does not include possible location fees
Does not include transportation
There may be transportation fees depending on location