Rully Hardian
Starting at $248 USD
Hi, I'm Rully Hardian. Photography, a passion that ignited in my youth, has become not just a hobby but a fulfilling career. Since 2005, I've honed my skills in Yogyakarta before moving to Bali. I bring this experience to every client, specializing in a documentary-style wedding photography that captures the raw emotions and candid moments of your special day.
$298 USD — 4 hours, 2 photographers & 150 edited photos
$398 USD — 6 hours, 2 photographers & 200 edited photos
$448 USD — 8 hours, 2 photographers & 250 edited photos
$398 USD — 10 hours,1 photographer & 45 edited photos
$248 USD — 2 hours,1 photographer & 50 Edited Photos
There may be transportation fees depending on location