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Compare Rates & Find Your Perfect Bali Photographer!

English-speaking professional photography and videography services from local photographers and videographers in Bali, Indonesia. Choose your favorite local photographer in Bali and book through our platform for proposals, weddings, pre-weddings, families, anniversaries, real estate listings, conferences, birthdays, events, food, fashion, pet, product photography, and more!

Starting at just $36 USD for 60 minutes of premium photography and videography, with 24/7 customer service and guaranteed bookings.

Our Local Photographers

Capture Every Moment with our Videographer service

Pre-Wedding Video by:
A.A. Bagus Wirasana

Pre-Wedding Video by:
Angga Pratama

Pre-Wedding Video by:
David Sokanantha

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Bali Photographer®

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Capture Every Moment with
Bali Photographer

Unforgettable Photos and Videos

Our photographers and videographers in Bali go beyond capturing stunning images. We help you create a visual legacy that tells your story, celebrates your milestones, and brings out the best of you. Our team of skilled photographers and videographers are passionate about crafting captivating visuals that will leave a lasting impression.

Photos by:
Teja Kesuma Yudha